The F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet is the beginning of your wealth-building journey. For most people, the prospect of becoming wealthy is a bewildering and confusing process without a roadmap to get there. The F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet is your roadmap to get to where you want to be financially. It gives you a true picture of where you currently are financially; and simultaneously shows you where you are lacking. The F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet is actually the beginning point in The F.R.E.D Plan where you will develop your focus on income-producing activities and assets that promote a strong financial portfolio and preserve those assets as a legacy for your loved ones.
The F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet will force you to take a critical focus on bad financial habits that inhibit your ability to build wealth and helps you to redirect your expenses on assets that truly create wealth.
Whether you are considering purchasing your first home, a business, or investing in life insurance or a retirement annuity, the F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet helps you to make the right financial decisions to fuel your journey on the path to building wealth.
Finally, when you download the F.R.E.D Financial Analysis Worksheet you can get a free consultation with a F.R.E.D Advisor on how to fill it out and discuss your planned strategy for improving your financial well-being and building wealth.